My Favorite Keto Dishes So Far

I’ve been doing keto for roughly a month now and I am quite happy. I have not had as much of a performance drop as I thought I was going to have (although my ab workouts feel a bit more tiring). I noticed that I maintain muscle much easier now, even though Cross Country Season has officially started and I’m running six times a week. Over that time, I’ve tried several keto recipes, and I wanted to share them with you. [Read More]
keto  food 

Why I Decided To Try The Ketogenic Diet

And my experience so far

Keto. Maybe you’ve heard of it, maybe you haven’t. I recently decided to try the Ketogenic Diet. I had a few reasons for doing so, which I will share below. I will also talk about my experience with it thus far (including my first fatbombs). However, before I talk about that I want to briefly summarize what the Ketogenic Diet actually is (in case you haven’t heard of it). What is the Ketogenic Diet? [Read More]
food  keto 

Tuna Salad

An Open Love Letter

My dearest Tuna Salad, Thank you. Thank you for being yummy and nutritious. Others may complain about your odor, but I can look (smell?) past all that. You provide all my favorite macronutrients, you protein-dense, mayonnaise-enveloped temptress. You provide infinite possibilities for crunches, from pickles to bell peppers to good ol’ celery. You play so nicely with bread, tostadas, crackers, and even avocados. Thank you for being quick and cheap to prepare. [Read More]
silly  food