My Favorite Keto Dishes So Far

I’ve been doing keto for roughly a month now and I am quite happy. I have not had as much of a performance drop as I thought I was going to have (although my ab workouts feel a bit more tiring). I noticed that I maintain muscle much easier now, even though Cross Country Season has officially started and I’m running six times a week. Over that time, I’ve tried several keto recipes, and I wanted to share them with you. These are the recipes that I make consistently because I enjoy them.

Favorite Breakfast: Bacon and Eggs

Ah yes, a classic American breakfast. I normally cook three strips of thick-sliced bacon, then use the the grease left in the pan to cook three eggs sunny-side up (fun fact: runny yolks are better for you because cooking the yolk breaks down many of the beneficial enzymes found in the yolk).

A good alternative if you’re looking for a change is to use chorizo instead of bacon and scramble it with your eggs.

Favorite Lunch: Tuna Salad

I’ve expressed my passion for Tuna Salad before, and keto is the perfect excuse for me to make it all the time. Everyone has their preferences when it comes to tuna salad, so I wont share a complete recipe. Instead, I have three tips for you.

Tip #1: Use homemade or avocado mayo

I don’t say this for flavor as much as I do for health. Regular mayo usually uses high amounts of heavily-processed soybean oil, which is not very good for you. Instead, try making your own from avocado oil, or buying avocado mayo at your local grocery store (just check the ingredients, because sometimes they still put in soybean oil).

Tip #2: Try jalapeños for an extra kick

Before keto, I used bread and butter pickles to add a sweet and sour flavor to tuna salad. While they are not necessarily anti-keto, I prefer to avoid the extra carbs. I had been using normal pickles instead. However, recently I tried adding jalapeños to my tuna salad and I dono’t think I’ll ever go back. They provide a wonderful crunch and a kick of flavor that I love.

Tip #3: Serve on an Avocado

This is something I’ve been doing for a while. Simply make your tuna salad, then cut an avocado in half and remove the pit. Serve your tuna salad into a bowl. Use a spoon to take a little bit of tuna salad and a little bit of avocado in every bite. This is also a great way to get in healthy fats and micronutrients from avocado.

Favorite Dinner: Keto Pizza

This is a recipe I found on r/ketorecipes submitted by u/xilluzionx. I tried it once and instantly fell in love with it. I have made three so far and none have disappointed. My preferred toppings are:

  • Mozzarella
  • Pepperoni
  • Black Olives
  • Green Bell Peppers
  • Mushrooms

However, a more Mexican flavor combination that my mom showed me recently that I also enjoy is:

  • Cheddar
  • Chorizo
  • Jalapeños
  • Onions

Let me take this opportunity to give you a brief note about vegetables. PORTION CAREFULLY! It can be easy to think “Vegetables are good for me, so it doesn’t matter how much of them I eat.” False. Most vegetables contain carbs. Make sure you portion vegetables correctly or else risk going over your carb limit for the day.

Vegetable Side 1: Creamed Spinach

This is a super simple dish to make that heps get in fat and important vitamins. I normally use frozen spinach beciase it is more convenient. If the bag you get does not allow for in-bag defrosting, you can actually just defrost the vegetables on the pan you plan on cooking them on. Once most of the ice is gone, add you choice of cooking fat (I usually use either butter or cocnut oil) and cream cheese to preference. Let it simmer for a little while (stirring occasionally), then take it off the heat. Serve while hot to prevent coagulation.

Vegetable Side 2: Brussel Sprouts w/ Bacon

This is another easy vegetable side. Simply cut some bacon into small pieces. Then put them in into a saute pan over medium heat to let the bacon pieces start cooking. While that is going on, steam your brussel sprouts in the microwave. Drain them, then add them to the saucepan. Add some salt and let the brussel sprouts and bacon cook until down. The brussel sprouts should be soft enough for a work to penetrate all the way through with no resistance.

Favorite Bread Substitute: 90 Second Almond Flour Microwave Bread

As with all keto dishes intended to substitute normal, carb-heavy meals, this imitation is not perfect. However, I really enjoy the texture and I think the egg taste is negligible once you have put somehting on it.

Favorite Snack: Cheese Tostada

This is pretty easy to make while still being very versatile. Some people like to make it in their ovens, but I find it more convenient to do in the microwave. Here’s how I like to make it:

  1. Spread shredded cheese of choice in a thin layer on a microwave-safe plate (full fate cheese is preferable as it makes it easer for the middle to cook without burning the edges)

  2. Place plate in the microwave for 40 seconds

  3. Remove plate from microwae and allow a few moments for the cheese to stop sizzling.

  4. Place the plate back in the microwave for another 25 seconds.

  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until the center of the tostada is just starting to brown

  6. While it is still hot, use a fork to carefully scrape the tostada off the plate

  7. Allow a few moments for it to cool and harden

  8. Top with whatever you want

Topping ideas:

Any combination of:

  • Sour Cream
  • Salsa
  • Lettuce
  • Tomato
  • Chicken
  • Fajita

Favorite Fatbomb Recipe: Lemon Cheesecake

Credit goes to u/vitothechihuahua.

This is my favorite thing to eat before cross country practice in the morning. They are delicious, rich, and have an acidic flavor profile (also slightly tropical if you use the coconut oil that tastes like coconut).

Favorite Desert: Jello w/ Heavy Whipping Cream (WARNING: be wary if you have blood sugar issues)

Sugar free jello is great if you don’t have blood sugar issues. Unfortunately, some of the the sweetener(s) common in jello normally cause an insulin response. However, as long as you make sure and eat decent sized servings and don’t eat it all the time, you will be fine. Anyway, to make this, simply follow the instructions on the jello package you use, replacing cold water with heavy whipping cream. I’ve also heard that this works well with cream cheese, but I have yet to try it. Popular toppings are whipped cream and various nuts.

Do you like these recipes? What are your favorite keto recipes? Tell me in the comments below!

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