My Favorite Keto Dishes So Far

I’ve been doing keto for roughly a month now and I am quite happy. I have not had as much of a performance drop as I thought I was going to have (although my ab workouts feel a bit more tiring). I noticed that I maintain muscle much easier now, even though Cross Country Season has officially started and I’m running six times a week. Over that time, I’ve tried several keto recipes, and I wanted to share them with you. [Read More]
keto  food 

Why I Decided To Try The Ketogenic Diet

And my experience so far

Keto. Maybe you’ve heard of it, maybe you haven’t. I recently decided to try the Ketogenic Diet. I had a few reasons for doing so, which I will share below. I will also talk about my experience with it thus far (including my first fatbombs). However, before I talk about that I want to briefly summarize what the Ketogenic Diet actually is (in case you haven’t heard of it). What is the Ketogenic Diet? [Read More]
food  keto