How to Be Successful In High School and Still Have a Good Time

Why I decided to write a crash course

After my post about my scehdule, you might have wondered how I manage so much without going insane (maybe you didn’t; that’s fine too). I recently started writing a crash course entitled “How to Be Successful In High School and Still Have a Good Time”. It will conatin everything I know about leading a balanced student life. I wanted to answer some questions you might have about this upcoming course.

What will the course cover?

The course will be a concise yet comprehensive guide to leading a balanced student life. It will be divided into bite-sized sections that you can easily read in one sitting. It will cover topics like setting and achieving goals, productivity, understanding what it means to be a balanced student, and much more.

Who is the course for?

While the course is primarily directed towards high school students, you will find that a lot of the advice given applies outside of school settings as well. If you struggle with balance in your life, then you will benefit from reading through the course.

Why would you write this? Of all the things to write about, why a crash course for high school students?

The short answer is that students are struggling needlessly. I see so many of my peers spending sleepless nights finishing homework because they had put it off until the last minute. I see people who have bustling social lives, but whose grades were not where they wanted them to be. I see students who excel academically yet find themselves completely exhausted and unhappy. Overall, I see students leading imbalanced lives. And the thing is, there is no need for their suffering. With a better perspective of their goals and a little bit of time management, they could easily learn to lead balanced, happy lives.

When will it be available?

To receive updates about the course, click here. You will be notified as soon as the course is available. This will not subscribe you to the rest of the blog. You can do that below, should you so desire.

Did I miss your question? Ask more in the comments below and I’ll update the post to answer it!

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