My Favorite Stress Management Tactic

How Romans 8:28 Has Affected My Life

Romans 8:28 (KJV) says:

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

This is one of my favorite Bible verses. Let me tell a little story…

I was in sixth grade. Since my teacher could see that I was getting a bit bored with what we were learning in math, she offered to let me study advanced math. I gladly accepted, and spent the rest of that year and the summer studying Pre-Algebra. Normally, math at my school works like this:

  • 7th grade: Pre-Algebra I

  • 8th Grade: either Algebra I (called the “Honors Class”), or Pre-Algebra II (depending on how you performed on a test at the end of the year)

  • 9th Grade:

    • Honors: Geometry
    • Normal: Algebra I

And so it continued; the normal class was always a year behind the Honors class.

When the start of the school year rolled around (I was entering seventh grade), I was told I would be allowed to participate in honors math with the eighth graders because I had taken Pre-Algebra over the summer. I was excited by the opportunity, but worried. By this point, my brother was starting his senior year of high school. I had heard my parents tell him over and over again how important every single point was on one’s high school transcript when competing for valedictorian or salutatorian (in the end, he was third in his class by a fraction of a point).

Now, at this point I already knew that I wanted to go to MIT. I also knew that taking honors math would mean that my grade in the class would go on my high school transcript. I understood the competition in my class, and that I would need nearly perfect scores to be valedictorian of my class. I was worried to say the least, but in the end I accepted the offer.

Fast forward a few weeks into the school year, and I am doing fine in all my classes. Yet, I also found myself getting stressed about every little mistake I made in math class. “I got a 98 instead of a 100? Might as well give up all hope of going to the college of my dreams.” I know it sounds crazy, but that really was my mentality. It all changed one day, however. I don’t remember exactly where I was or what I was doing, but I remember I was stressing about math class again. Then, God brought Romans 8:28 (quoted above) into my mind. I thought about it for a minute. All things work together for good. As I considered this, I realized that whatever happened was because it was the best thing for me, and that if it was God’s will that I go to MIT, I would, and if not, I wouldn’t. A wave of peace washed over me as I rested in the facts that God was in control and He knew what was best. After that day, I wasn’t stressed about Math (or any class for that matter).

Ever since then, if I am ever starting to become anxious, I just think back to that verse and its implications, and all my anxiety melts away. I thank God for being so gracious, for comforting me, and for guaranteeing me eternal life.

I thank God even more now that I am in high school and all of my classes go on my transcript. I thank Him not only for the reasons listed above, but that he taught me how to deal with anxiety early on.

Thank you, Lord.

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