Review of Dragon Prince: Season One

As I announced previously, the head writer and director of Avatar: The Last Airbender, Aaron Ehasz, is working alongside Justin Richmond on a new animated series for Netflix called The Dragon Prince. Season one was released on September 14th. While I finished the short (9 episodes to be exact) season within two days of its release, I haven’t had a chance to pen down my thoughts until now. So here goes…. [Read More]
review  tv 

Exciting News For Cartoon Fans

Young Justice, Clone Wars, and more

Over the past few days, I have received several pieces of exciting news regarding some of my favorite TV shows. In this post, I will be briefly describing these shows and the announcements surrounding them. We will be looking at news about Young Justice, The Clone Wars, and a new series: Dragon Prince. As a quick note before we begin, you might notice is that these are all cartoons. I like cartoons (and probably will forever). [Read More]