E.H.N.: Epilogue

Two months later, the church was meeting regularly again. Jackson had found a balance between spreading the Gospel and being wise. He, Sophia, and Mr. Evans had managed to convert over a dozen people since the break-in, many of whom were children of the former members. A story had been published announcing that all the members of the church would be serving life sentences for conspiracy to commit treason. Mr. [Read More]
ehn  fiction  faith 

E.H.N.: Chapter 11

Almost the end

Jackson was distraught for the rest of the day. He went through his classes without giving anything much thought. He went to work that afternoon, but his work was sub-par. He hoped to be encouraged when he went to the church meeting that night. Jackson went back to the Longs’ house before the meeting to work on homework. He was exhausted and decided to take a short nap before going to church. [Read More]
ehn  fiction  faith 

E.H.N.: Chapter 10

“Okay. What’s going on?” Sophia asked as Jackson closed his locker. “What do you mean?” asked Jackson. “First off, you’ve been acting weird the past few months, and since Monday Noah has been giving you dirty looks anytime he sees you. “What do you mean ‘acting weird’?” asked Jackson. “We’ve all noticed it. You don’t laugh at or make the same jokes anymore, you don’t talk about moral relativism, and don’t think I haven’t noticed that you sneak out of the house at weird times of night. [Read More]
ehn  fiction  faith 

E.H.N.: Chapter 9

Jackson was a new person. He had been working hard before, but now he did it with a good attitude, knowing that he was doing his work “as unto the Lord.” He was attending the church meetings and reading his Bible regularly. He had been entrusted with the secret of how to get to the meetings. The map with the three X’s was the “tail” of the Ichthys symbol, which early Christians had used as a test to see if someone was a Christian. [Read More]
ehn  fiction  faith 

E.H.N.: Chapter 8

When Jackson got to his new job, Mr. Rallison was not there. He was assigned to shadow an experienced tutor named Timothy. He showed him how to talk to students of different ages, and he explained the procedures followed around the center. Work was to be done on time. It was expected that you would not have to be told to do something twice. You were to treat peers and students with respect. [Read More]
ehn  fiction  faith 

E.H.N.: Chapter 7

Jackson couldn’t become a Christian. It went against everything he believed in. Yet something about the way Philip was filled with life when he spoke about Jesus intrigued Jackson. Something was different, he just wasn’t sure what it was. Jackson did his best to push events of that night from his head so he could sleep. Jackson awoke the next morning to the sound of his cell phone ringing. He didn’t recognize the number, but it was a number with the local area code. [Read More]
ehn  fiction  faith 

E.H.N.: Chapter 6

Two days later, as Jackson was working on homework, he put his pencil down and looked at the clock. It was nearly midnight on Saturday. He had been working all day and still had quite a bit to go. Jackson decided to go for a walk and take a mental break. Jackson got up quietly, so as not to wake the family, opened the door, and left. Jackson decided to take this walk as an opportunity to familiarize himself with the neighborhood. [Read More]
ehn  fiction  faith 

E.H.N.: Chapter 5

The day came for Jackson to move into Sophia’s house. Jackson had only been to Sophia’s house a few times; he normally met up with Sophia and Noah somewhere else. Sophia’s family was not as well-off as Jackson’s. They lived in a lower-income neighborhood. As Jackson approached Sophia’s street, he noticed more minorities than he normally saw in his area. Jackson hoped there was no Christians in this neighborhood, although this was definitely the kind of place he expected to find some. [Read More]
ehn  fiction  faith 

E.H.N.: Chapter 4

Jackson arose feeling as energized as he could, considering his lack of sleep. As he was brushing his teeth, his conundrum from the night before returned to his mind. All his life, he had just assumed he would do what everyone else did: go to college, get a job, start a family, and then retire somewhere with nice weather. He knew that he couldn’t get a low-skill job because automation was finally starting to reach the point it was at before the war with North Korea. [Read More]
ehn  fiction  faith 

E.H.N: Chapter 3

Jackson didn’t understand. His father? Dead? He was flooded with a million emotions. He didn’t know what to think. “Your mother is on her way. You may wait in my office if you like.” Shell-shocked and barely processing the principal’s words, Jackson walked into the office and sat down. The principal looked at him for a moment, then turned to face his computer. They sat in silence for several minutes. [Read More]
ehn  fiction  faith