E.H.N.: Epilogue

    Two months later, the church was meeting regularly again. Jackson had found a balance between spreading the Gospel and being wise. He, Sophia, and Mr. Evans had managed to convert over a dozen people since the break-in, many of whom were children of the former members. A story had been published announcing that all the members of the church would be serving life sentences for conspiracy to commit treason. Mr. Evans explained that they just said this so they could have an excuse to arrest them.

    Because Mr. Philips had been imprisoned with the rest of the church members, and Mr. Evans was a relatively new convert, the burden of leadership fell on Jackson. He leaned on the Lord in all he did, and the church continued to flourish.

Well, there you have it. Like I said during chapter one, I think I started off well, but didn’t have a solid ending. What is your opinion of this short work of mine?

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