Vugu Form Validation Part 1

An experiment

I recently stumbled upon a very interesting project on Github called vugu. It is “A modern UI library for Go+WebAssembly”. It is currently in a highly experimental state, but I believe it has a lot or potential. If you want to learn more, check out the link to Vugu’s github above or this link to their website. In this post, I will be showing a simple exercise I did to get started with Vugu, inspired by a similar Vue project. [Read More]

A Tale of Two Hackathons

Spring Semester is always busy for me. Between academic competitions (like DI), track, and making time for my friends, things can get very hectic. Despite the chaos, I love the spring semester for many reasons. One of the things I love about it is the opportunity to go to a couple hackathons. This year, I went to TAMUhack and HackDFW. In today’s post, I’ll be sharing what I learned. TAMUhack2019 As is often the case with the projects my team undertakes at hackathons, the idea was decent, but our implementation was somewhat lacking. [Read More]

What I learned from Hacktoberfest

This year, I participated in Hacktoberfest for the first time. This was my first time making a real contribution to an open source repository, and it felt great. I loved being able to help others and improve my skills at the same time (not to mention getting a free t shirt out of it). I learned a lot from it, and I wanted to share some of that in this post. [Read More]

How I started programming

How did I get here?

Everyone starts programming differently. Some are forced to learn it for a job. Others discover it on their own. Today I want to share how I became interested in Computer Science and programming, and how I reached the point I am at today. I had been introduced to programming when I was a small child (~7) by my older brother when he started making games with Blitz2D. I toyed around with it for a while. [Read More]