Worthy To Suffer

A high honor

This will be my second post on evangelism. You can find part one here. Today’s text from the book of Acts is one that deeply impacted me when I read it, and it is my desire to share that impact with my readers. This text may seem counter-intuitive, and might not be a popular message when applied to every day life, yet this text teaches many important lessons about how we are to live as Christians. [Read More]


Always stay for the end credits

If you’ve ever seen a Marvel movie, then you know the all-important rule: don’t leave until the movie is over. Marvel is notorious for their end credit scenes that often reveal details about upcoming movies, or just add extra scenes that were cut from the actual film. While reading the story of Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch in Acts 8, I noticed something very interesting at the end of the story. [Read More]