Why I Run

A poem that's not about running

Life is a marathon, not a sprint.

Many ask if it’s worth it.

Sometimes you are so tired you can’t breathe, And it seems like walking is the answer.

Sometimes you want to quit, sometimes you want to cheat, Sometimes it seems like running is an impossible feat.

But not all times.

Sometimes you are on top of the world, and nothing could slow you down. Sometimes the finish line is in sight; sometimes your hard work pays off.

Many will say these moments make the race worth it, Yet this isn’t why I run.

I run for Him who called me out of darkness, And I will till He calls me home.

He is with me when I run well, And He is with me when I fail.

I may stray from the path, But He always guides me back.

When my race ends, When I cross the finish line, I will be with Him for eternity, Made victorious by His sacrifice.

I run for Christ.

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